Xinnor Joins Arm Partner Program to Accelerate Innovation in Data Storage Solutions

May 30, 2024

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Xinnor, a leading provider of high-performance data storage solutions, is excited to announce its inclusion in the Arm® Partner Program. This strategic collaboration places Xinnor among a diverse range of industry leaders, enhancing its ability to deliver cutting-edge solutions across various markets and geographies.

As a qualified Arm partner, Xinnor has access to the vast Arm partner ecosystem and comprehensive technical support, enabling a faster time-to-market for Xinnor’s innovative products, benefiting customers with improved efficiency and performance.

“There is an insatiable amount of data being produced today, especially with advances in AI,” said Kevin Ryan, senior director of partner ecosystem marketing, Arm. “More than ever, these increasingly complex workloads require high-performance and efficient data storage solutions, and we look forward to seeing how Xinnor’s addition to the Arm Partner Program will enable greater innovation in this space.”

“Joining the Arm Partner Program marks a significant milestone for Xinnor,” said Davide Villa, Chief Revenue Officer at Xinnor. “The validation of xiRAID Opus on Arm-based BlueField3 allows to deploy network attached fast storage, without the need for dedicated storage server. This way, customers who are looking for high performance storage for newly emerging Artificial Intelligence workloads can streamline their storage infrastructure realizing important economical and power savings. With Arm’s robust support, we are poised to bring our products to market more swiftly and effectively, meeting the evolving needs of our customers.”

Arm offers a range of partnership opportunities to organizations of all sizes, from chip designers to service providers. By joining the Arm Partner Program, Xinnor is set to leverage these opportunities to enhance its product offerings and expand its market reach.

Xinnor’s latest solution brief, “xiRAID Superfast RAID Engine for NVMe SSD on Arm-Based BlueField3 DPU,” is now available. For more information, visit Xinnor’s Arm Partner Page.