Increasing Size and Changing Level of RAID

In this chapter, you will learn about the following RAID operations:

  • Changing the RAID level with the addition of new disks.
  • Increasing the size of a RAID by adding new disks.
  • Increasing the size of a RAID by replacing its disks with larger disks (vertical scaling RAID operation).

The operation of increasing the RAID level by replacing the disks with larger ones is not supported in xiRAID Classic 4.1.0. Please refer to the "xiRAID Classic 4.1.0 Known Issues" for more information.

RAID operations that add new disks to a RAID consist of two steps: restriping (raid restripe command), which selects the disks to be added and the RAID level, and resizing (raid resize subcommand), which applies changes to the RAID (which is in need_resize status).