Showing RAID State

You can view info about the RAID with the command

# xicli raid show [optional_args]
Table 1. Arguments for the show subcommand

Optional arguments



The name of the RAID.

Without the argument, show info on all xiRAID Classic RAIDs.



Only show RAIDs that are in the “online” state (RAIDs that were not unloaded by the raid unload command and are not offline).

The argument takes no value.




  • s – sectors (1 sector=512 bytes);
  • k – kilobytes;
  • m – megabytes;
  • g – gigabytes.

The default: g.



Output format:

  • table;
  • json;
  • prettyjson – human-readable json.

The default: table.



Show extended output.

The argument takes no value.

Example: Show information on the RAIDs:

# xicli raid show -e
Table 2. Description of the show subcommand output
Row Description


RAID name.


Static RAID parameters:

  • size.
  • level.
  • synd_cnt – only for RAIDs N+M – number of syndromes.
  • block_size – RAID block size.
  • group_size – only for RAIDs 10, 50, 60, and 70 – size of the corresponding RAID group.
  • strip_size.
  • sparepool – name of the assigned spare pool.
  • active:

    • True, if the RAID’s block device is in the system.
    • False, if:

      • The RAID was not loaded after reboot.
      • The RAID is unloaded.
  • config:

    • True, if the RAID is in the configuration file.
    • False, if the RAID is missing.


RAID state:

  • online – the RAID is available and ready to work.
  • initialized – initialization is finished.
  • initing – the RAID is initializing.
  • degraded – the RAID is available and ready for work but some drives are missing or failed.
  • reconstructing – the RAID is reconstructing.
  • offline – the RAID is unavailable (after the RAID was unloaded or its configuration file restored), or if the number of available drives in the RAID is insufficient for its operation.
  • need_recon – the RAID needs reconstruction.
  • need_init – the RAID needs initialization.
  • read_only – the license has expired. The RAID is read-only.
  • unrecovered – RAID can’t complete reconstruction because of unrecoverable sections.
  • none – RAID was unloaded via the unload command or was not restored after reboot.
  • restriping – RAID is restriping.
  • need_resize – restriping was finished, the RAID size increase is available.
  • need_restripe – restriping was stopped and not finished.


The list of devices included in the RAID, and their current states:

  • online – the drive is active.
  • offline – the drive is missing or unavailable.
  • reconstructing – the drive is in process of reconstruction.
  • need_recon – the drive needs reconstruction.

For RAIDs 10, 50, 60, and 70, the devices are grouped according to their respective group numbers.

If the RAID is in 'restriping' or 'need-resize' state, the devices involved in the resize operation are highlighted in yellow.


To show, use the command with the -e parameter.

Percent of valid drive data.

When health is 100% – no reconstruction required.

For RAIDs 10, 50, 60, and 70, the devices are grouped according to their respective group numbers.


To show, use the command with the -e parameter.

The wear percentage of the SSD or NVMe drive.

When the drive reaches the 90% threshold, the system sends an error message to the mail.

The S.M.A.R.T. values "Percentage used endurance indicator" and "Percentage Used" are used to check SSD and NVMe drives respectively.

For RAIDs 10, 50, 60, and 70, the devices are grouped according to their respective group numbers.


To show, use the command with the -e parameter.

Serial numbers of drives in RAID.

For RAIDs 10, 50, 60, and 70, the devices are grouped according to their respective group numbers.


To show, use the command with the -e parameter.

Editable RAID parameters:

  • init_prio – (except RAID 0) initialization priority: from 0% to 100%.
  • recon_prio – (except RAID 0) reconstruction priority: from 0% to 100%.
  • memory_limit_mb – the value limited RAM usage, in megabytes.
  • merge_read_enabled – is the function Merge enabled (1) or disabled (0) for read operations.
  • merge_write_enabled – is the function Merge enabled (1) or disabled (0) for write operations.
  • merge_read_wait_usecs – waiting time between read requests when Merge is enabled.
  • merge_read_max_usecs – maximum time to wait for read requests accumulation with Merge enabled.
  • merge_write_wait_usecs – waiting time between write requests when Merge is enabled.
  • merge_write_max_usecs – maximum time to wait for write requests accumulation with Merge enabled.
  • resync_enabled – is the function Resync enabled (1) or disabled (0).
  • sched_enabled – is the function Scheduling enabled (1) or disabled (0).
  • request_limit – number of simultaneous I/O requests on RAID (0 for no limit).
  • restripe_prio – priority for restriping: from 0% to 100%.
  • cpu_allowed - the CPUs on which the RAID is allowed to run.
  • cpu_allowed_configured - the CPUs on which the RAID is allowed to run as specified in the configuration file. This parameter appears when the cpu_allowed parameter exceeds the number of available CPUs in the system. Only available in High Availability configuration.
  • adaptive_merge - is the function Adaptive Merge enabled (True) or disabled (False).


Dynamic RAID values:

  • init_progress – initialization progress: from 0% to 100%.
  • recon_progress – reconstruction progress: from 0% to 100%.
  • memory_usage_mb – amount of RAM usage; if memory_limit_mb = 0 (not limited), then memory_usage_mb is displayed as '-'.
  • restripe_progress – restriping progress: from 0% to 100%.