CPU Management

By default, xiraid has access to all CPUs in the system, but their usage can be limited. To limit the number of CPUs on which a RAID is allowed to run without restarting the module and stopping the services, use the commands "raid create" or "raid modify".

The limit for the CPU usage for specific RAIDs can be set during RAID creation and changed later using the commands "raid create" and "raid modify".

  • possible to select specific CPUs for each RAID;
  • do not require restarting the module.
To limit the number of CPUs during RAID creation, use the command:
# xicli raid create -n <name> -d <drives> -l <level> --cpu_allowed <CPUs>
# xicli raid create -n media5 -l 5 -d /dev/nvme0n1 /dev/nvme1n1 /dev/nvme2n1 /dev/nvme3n1 --cpu_allowed 0-21
To change the list of CPUs on which the RAID is allowed to run, use the command:
# xicli raid modify -n <name> --cpu_allowed <CPUs>
# xicli raid modify -n media 5 --cpu_allowed 1,3-4
Table 1.
-ca --cpu_allowed

Specify the CPUs on which the RAID will be allowed to run.

Possible values: a list of CPUs separated by spaces, a range of CPUs indicated by a hyphen, or the value 'all' (the RAID will run on all available CPUs).

The default: all.