raid restripe

The chapter describes the available subcommands for the restripe operation.

Restriping refers to any change in RAID configuration, such as the position of checksums or data drives, with the aim of changing the RAID level or size.

To start RAID restriping, run

# xicli raid restripe start <args>
Table 1. Arguments for the restripe start subcommand

Required arguments



The name of the RAID.



The new level for the RAID.

If you are only increasing the RAID size, enter the current RAID level for this argument.



Only for RAIDs 50, 60, and 70.

The new group size for the RAID.

Possible values: integers from 4 to 32.



The list of block devices (/dev/sd*, /dev/mapper/mpath*, /dev/nvme*, /dev/dm-*) separated by a space to add to the RAID.

To pause RAID restriping, run

# xicli raid restripe stop <arg>
Table 2. Argument for the restripe stop subcommand

Required argument



The name of the RAID.

To continue RAID restriping, run

# xicli raid restripe continue <arg>
Table 3. Argument for the restripe continue subcommand

Required argument



The name of the RAID.