Manual Drive Replacement or Excluding

You can exclude a drive from a RAID configuration, or replace it with another one, whether it has failed or is still functioning in the RAID. To do so, use the command:

# xicli raid replace <args>

If you manually replace a drive that is a part of a spare pool, the drive excludes from the spare pool.

Table 1. Arguments for the replace subcommand

Required arguments



The name of the RAID.



The number of the drive.

To find out the number of the drive, use

# xicli raid show



The new block device.

To remove the drive (to mark it as missing) set the null value.

Example: In the RAID ”media5”, replacing the drive ”0” with the drive ”nvme4n1”:

# xicli raid replace -n media5 -no 0 -d /dev/nvme4n1