Removing Drive Metadata and Resetting Current Error Count


Warning! The result of the command is irreversible. Read the description carefully.

Metadata is xiRAID Classic device configuration information (to learn more, see Configuration Files and Metadata).

The drive clean command resets the current error counter value and/or removes metadata from selected disks depending on the status and state of those disks.

The drive clean command resets the current error counter and doesn’t delete the metadata:

  • on a disk included in a RAID that is present in the common configuration file.
  • on a disk that was removed from a RAID due to exceeding the I/O error threshold.

In other cases, the drive clean command resets the current error counter and deletes the metadata.

To remove metadata from the drives and/or reset their current error count, run:

# xicli drive clean <arg>
Table 1. Argument for the clean subcommand

Required argument



The list of block devices (/dev/sd*, /dev/mapper/mpath*, /dev/nvme*, /dev/dm-*) separated by a space to reset the current fault counter and/or delete the metadata.

Example: Deleting metadata from drives “/dev/nvme5n1” and “/dev/nvme1n1”:

# xicli drive clean -d /dev/nvme1n1 /dev/nvme5n1