System Log

Logs contain information about the system status and system operations at specific points in time. The logs are recorded in the system log (journalctl).


Collect system logs and attach them when contacting the team in the event of system or RAID malfunction.

You can:

  • manage and view the type of system messages that will be logged;
  • collect logs into a file;
  • view the latest error and warning messages on the system.

To configure the type of system messages that will be added to the system log, run

# xicli settings log modify <arg>
Table 1. Argument for the log modify subcommand

Required argument



The type of system messages that will be added to the system log.

Possible values: error, warning, info, debug.

Each next type includes the previous one.

The default: debug.

To collect all logs into a file, run

# xicli log collect

The log file will be available in the /var/log/xiraid/ directory.

After collecting is complete, the message “xiRAID Classic logs have been collected and saved in: /var/log/xiraid/xiraid_xinnor_2024.04.22_06-58-47.tar.gz” shows.

To see the selected type of system messages for the system log, run

# xicli settings log show [optional_arg]

To see the latest error and warning messages on the system, run

# xicli log show [optional_arg]
Table 2. Argument for the show subcommand

Optional argument



The number of error and warning messages in the event log to show, starting from the last entry.

Possible values: integers from 1 to 1000.

The default: 10.