Update Management

Update Check Service allows you to control the process of updating xiRAID Classic packages to newer versions. After installing xiRAID Classic 4.1.0 or updating xiRAID Classic products, this service locks the current version of the packages, preventing it from being automatically updated on general system update commands (apt/yum/dnf update).

To check for an available update, run:
# xicli update check
For Ubuntu and Proxmox, it is necessary to update the package index before checking for xiRAID Classic updates. To update the package index, run the following command:
# apt update

Disable the Update Check Service to update xiRAID Classic 4.1.0 to a new available version.


Please, follow the instructions provided at xinnor.io to safely update your xiRAID Classic. Ignoring these steps may result in filesystem panick and even data loss.

To disable the Update Check Service, run:
# xicli update prepare

Please, do not run this command unless there is a new available xiRAID Classic version. Otherwise, the proper functioning of xiRAID Classic cannot be guaranteed.


The Update Check Service will inform you of any detected mounted xiRAID Classic devices. Please, unmount the devices before continuing the update process.

We recommend setting up email notifications using xiRAID Classic Administrator’s Guide, so we could inform you about the latest xiRAID Classic releases. The notifications will be sent to you once every three days. The corresponding messages will be created in the log file regardless of your notifications settings.