Setting up Email Notifications


Make sure the system has configured MTA (Mail Transfer Agent) (for example, Postfix, Sendmail or Exim).

The MTA must meet the following requirements:
  • It should be able to accept standard MIMEText messages.
  • It must be accessed at /usr/sbin/sendmail — either by hard or symbolic link.
  • It must be enabled to start at system startup:
    # systemcl enable <postfix/sendmail/exim/...>

To set the receiver’s email and the notification level, run

# xicli mail add <args>

When you change any parameter of the xicli mail add command, the xiraid-mail.service restarts.

Table 1. Arguments for the add subcommand

Required arguments



Receiver’s email.



The notification level.

Possible values:

  • info – Info notifications;
  • warning – Error and Warning notifications;
  • error – Error notifications.
Table 2. Notification types:




Initialization completed on RAID (…)

Initialization not completed on RAID (…)

RAID (…) is offline now

Initialization progress on RAID (…) is (…) percent

RAID (…) is read-only now

RAID (...) is unrecovered now

Initialization started on RAID (…)

System is up after reboot/crash

After reboot/crash, RAID (…) not restored

RAID (…) is healthy now

Reconstruction not completed on RAID (…)

After reboot/crash, RAID (…) has restored in read only mode

RAID (…) is online now

SparePool (…) ran out of drives

RAID (…) is degraded now

Reconstruction completed on RAID (…)

The number of errors on the bdev (...) is increased. The current number is (...)

After reboot/crash, RAID (…) has restored in offline state

Reconstruction progress on RAID (…) is (…) percent

xiRAID Classic license expired

Reconstruction started on RAID (…)

xiRAID Classic license error: number of disks in use exceeds the allowed disks number

Drive (…) was returned to RAID (…)

Drive (…) in RAID (…) is offline now

Drive (…) from SparePool (…) was reconnected

Drive (…) from SparePool (…) was disconnected

Drive (…) in RAID (…) was automatically replaced with drive (…) from SparePool (…)

Could not automatically replace drive (…) in RAID (…) with drive (…) from SparePool (…)

Can't replace the faulty bdev (…). Replacing (…) with null

Could not automatically replace drive (…) in RAID (…) because there was no suitable drive in SparePool (…)

The number of faults on the bdev (…) reached the fault threshold

The bdev (…) has critical wear out (…)%

Example: Add the receiver with the “” email for all notification types:

# xicli mail add -a -l info

To remove the email from the list of email notifications, run

# xicli mail remove <arg>

When you change any parameter of the xicli mail remove command, the xiraid-mail.service restarts.

Table 3. Argument for the remove subcommand

Required argument



The email address to remove from the notifications.

To show the list of the email notifications, run

# xicli mail show
Table 4. Argument for the mail show subcommand

Optional argument

-f --format

Output format:

  • table;
  • json;
  • prettyjson – human-readable json.

The default: table.

To manage email notification settings, run
# xicli settings mail modify <args>

When you change any parameter of the xicli settings mail modify command, the xiraid-mail.service restarts.

Table 5. Arguments for the mail modify subcommand

At least one argument is required



The polling interval for xiRAID Classic RAIDs and the drives in seconds.

Possible values: integers from 0 to 86400 (24 hours).

The default: 10.



Polling interval for the progress of initialization and reconstruction, in minutes.

Possible values: integers from 0 to 1440 (24 hours).

The default: 10.

To show email notification settings, run

# xicli settings mail show
Table 6. Argument for the mail show subcommand

Optional argument

-f --format

Output format:

  • table;
  • json;
  • prettyjson – human-readable json.

The default: table.