Other Configuration Items

xiRAID Opus system configurations can be managed using the “config” command. To get list of all the available parameters use the command:

xnr_cli config get
Here is the command output example:
$ xnr_cli  config get
hugemem_2mb            :  9000
resync_enabled         :  True
log_flags              :
engineering_mode       :  False
version                :  1.0.0, build: 1234, tag: ver1.0.0-b, date: 2024-03-08T20:17:23+00:00
commit_spdk            :  07329a7cde83ca57dba97d68db49c32eeeb0fe3f
cpu_mask               :  0x3
commit_base            :  2cd31a6122e547342595c459bd395305938dcf96
log_level              :  NOTICE
log_print_level        :  NOTICE

Some parameters are read-only (for example commit_base and version). Other parameters can be updated by the command:

$ xnr_cli config set --name Name --value NewValue

If you try to update read only parameter you will get the error message:

$ xnr_cli  config set --name engineering_mode --value true
2024-00-00T18:06:09.726Z        ERROR   Fail to update the configuration: cannot change the parameter

The current release support the following parameters:

  • version (read only) - The xiRAID Opus version.
  • commit_base (read only) - Management engine git hash.
  • commit_spdk (read only) - Data path engine git hash.
  • engineering_mode - Always False in normal operation mode. Support engineer can enable the mode for test and recovery.
  • log_level - Log level for the syslog journal
  • log_print_level - Log level for the console output if the engine running as foreground process
  • log_flags - List of enabled log message classes for the INFO log level
  • resync_enabled - Enable or disable the resync functionality for all RAIDs
  • cpu_mask - CPU mask of cores used by the data path engine for processing IO
  • hugemem_2mb - The amount of huge memory in megabytes per NUMA node used by the data path engine for internal buffers