Logging Management

xiRAID Opus Logging parameters include log_flags, log_level and log_print_level.

The log_level and log_print_level parameters can be set to ERROR, WARNING, NOTICE, INFO. INFO log level requires enabling corresponding component log_flag.

The log_level controls logging to the syslog, log_print_level controls logging to the stdout. The log_print_level is used only when xiRAID engine is running as foreground process and is not used in normal running mode where stdout is not. The syslog can be accessed and printed using journalctl or a similar OS command.

The log_flags enable or disable INFO logging for different components. To see the list of all components, check the output of the xnr_xiraid -h command in the -L flag help message. Here is the command ouput:

-L, --logflag <flag>    enable log flag (all, accel, accel_ioat, aio, app_config, app_rpc, bdev, bdev_concat, bdev_ftl, bdev_malloc, bdev_null, bdev_nvme, bdev_raid, bdev_raid0, bdev_raid1, blob, blob_esnap, blob_rw, blobfs, blobfs_bdev, blobfs_bdev_rpc, blobfs_rw, ftl_core, ftl_init, gpt_parse, ioat, iscsi, json_util, log, log_rpc, lvol, lvol_rpc, nbd, notify_rpc, nvme, nvme_vfio, nvmf, nvmf_tcp, opal, rdma, reactor, rpc, rpc_client, scsi, sock, sock_posix, thread, trace, vbdev_delay, vbdev_gpt, vbdev_lvol, vbdev_opal, vbdev_passthru, vbdev_split, vbdev_zone_block, vfio_pci, vfio_user, vhost, vhost_blk, vhost_blk_data, vhost_ring, vhost_rpc, vhost_scsi, vhost_scsi_data, vhost_scsi_queue, virtio, virtio_blk, virtio_dev, virtio_pci, virtio_user, virtio_vfio_user, vmd, xnr, xnr_dev, xnr_raid_config)