Discover Devices

The DM discovers available devices on the host OS upon start of the xiRAID engine and periodically throughout the engine’s lifecycle. Each discovered device is associated with a unique ID. The devices managed by the DM are a subset of all the physical devices available in the host OS. DM does not report devices of unsupported types. During the discovery phase, the DM only detects the availability of devices and does not have information about their content and other parameters.

To get the list of discovered devices use:

xnr_cli drive-manager show --output <table,json>
xnr_cli drive-manager show --ids <device_id> --output <table,json>

The output of the show command is represented as table or json format depending on the --output option. Each line of table or item in the json array represents particular physical device and provides the following information:

  • The unique ID of the device assigned by the DM. The ID is used to reference the device in DM commands.
  • The device parameters such as PCI address, vendor name and hardware model identifier
  • The device status: OS, US, SPDK, or LOST
  • If the device is attached, name, UUID and serial number of the logical drive(s) hosted by this device
  • If a drive of the device is used by a RAID, the RAID name and UUID

In the example above the devices 0000:05:00.0 and 0000:06:00.0 are managed by OS, the devices 0000:41:00.0 and 0000:42:00.0 are managed by xiRAID engine and contain two logical drives each. the device 0000:02:00.0 contains two logical drives and the second drive is used by the RAID with name test_raid and UUID c361637a-4fe9-4e17-96e0-4112011477ee.