Device State Machine

The device status reports the state in the device lifecycle state machine.
Figure 1. Figure 4: Device life cycle state machine

The possible states are:

  • OS – The device is managed by host OS. The OS drivers are used for IO to the device’s drives. The device cannot be used by a RAID or other xiRAID Opus modules.
  • USpace – The device driver has been updated, and the host OS does not manage it. However, the logical drives located on this device are not attached as BDEVs and are still not available as RAID backing drives. This is an intermediate state between fully attached and detached cases. Usually the state means that the device is detached but the xiRAID engine could not restore OS drivers. Attach or Detach command should be used to move the device to SPDK or OS state respectively.
  • SPDK – The device driver has been updated, and the logical drives located on this device are attached as BDEVs. They can be used as backing drives for a RAID.
  • LOST – The logical drive located on the device is used in a RAID configuration, and the physical device has been removed or is malfunctioning. The corresponding RAID state is reported as Degraded. To recover the drives and reconnect them back to the RAID the physical device has to be inserted back, the device should be re-attached by DM Attach command, then the drive should be inserted to the corresponded RAID logical position by the “raid replace” command.
  • ABSENT – Similar to LOST, but the drives of the device are not used in any RAID. The DM automatically stops to manage the device. Absent devices are not reported by the DM show command.
  • NOT VISIBLE – The device does not exist or cannot be managed by the DM. Such devices are not reported by the DM show command.