Testing the Installation

To ensure that the installation was successful:

  1. Check the xiraid module:

    # lsmod | grep xiraid

    The command shows if the xiraid module is loaded. Empty output indicates that the installation has not completed successfully.

  2. Check the xiRAID Classic version:

    # xicli -v

    The command shows the version of your xiRAID Classic. The version number must be 4.1.0. Otherwise, the installation was not successful.

  3. Check the xiRAID Classic operability:

    # xicli raid show

    The command shows a table with RAIDs. The first time you call the command after the installation, the system prompts you to accept the EULA conditions. If you accept the conditions, the command outputs a list of created RAIDs in the form of a table. After the installation, the table is empty. If the output is not in the form of a table or if there is no output at all, it indicates that the installation was not successful.

  4. Make sure that xiRAID Classic has been installed on the latest kernel version available on your system.
    Otherwise, follow these steps to use xiRAID Classic after switching to the latest kernel version:
    1. Stop the xiraid target service:

      # systemctl stop xiraid.target

    2. Boot into the desired kernel.
    3. Install the development kernel-headers package for the current kernel (see Installing xiRAID Classic 4.1.0 for the specific command for your distribution).
    4. Run:

      # dkms autoinstall

      # systemctl restart xiraid.target

After the installation, you can find the installation logs at /var/log/xraid/.

If installation was not successful:

  • check the kernel version;
  • try to reinstall xiRAID Classic 4.1.0.

If this does not help, please contact Xinnor Support team at support@xinnor.io with attached logs from /var/log/xraid/.