Installing xiRAID Classic 4.1.0

During the installation process, additional packages required by xiRAID Classic 4.1.0 are automatically installed on your system (see the list of additional packages in the document xiRAID Classic 4.1.0 System Requirements). To install additional packages correctly, make sure that the appropriate repositories are configured for them.


Please ensure that the Protobuf library for Python is not already installed on your system via pip before installing xiRAID Classic 4.1.0

Version Lock plugin will be installed along with the other xiRAID packages. Once the installation is finished, this plugin will lock the current version of the packages, preventing it from being automatically updated on general system update commands (apt/yum/dnf update).


The DNF package manager will be used for the Version Lock plugin on operating systems where the YUM package manager is not available. By default, the DNF package manager is used when both YUM and DNF managers are installed.

You can disable the Version Lock using the commands listed in xiRAID Classic 4.1.0 Administrator's Guide to update your xiRAID Classic to a new available version. The instructions on how to do that safely will be available at We recommend setting up email notifications to receive information about the latest xiRAID Classic releases. Detailed instructions on how to do this are listed in the xiRAID Classic Administrator's Guide. The notifications will be sent to you once every three days. The corresponding messages will be added to journalctl logs regardless of your notifications settings.


xiRAID is installed on the active kernel version of your OS and supports regular kernel updates by automatically rebuilding its kernel module. However, if your system has multiple kernel versions installed and xiRAID is not installed on the latest one, it will not function correctly when switching to the latest kernel version. Make sure you are booted into the correct kernel version if you want to install xiRAID on it.

To install xiRAID Classic 4.1.0 with DKMS, your OS must have one of the packages with the headers of your current Linux kernel version:

  • kernel-devel (for RHEL and RHEL-based systems)
  • kernel-uek-devel (for Oracle Linux)
  • linux-headers (for Ubuntu)
  • pve-headers (for Proxmox)

Note that some OS distributions do not have such pre-installed package (and some repositories may not have package versions for out-of-date kernel versions). In this case, you need to install the package yourself by specifying the repository containing the headers package for your kernel version.

Example commands to install header packages:

  • The package kernel-devel on RHEL or RHEL-based OS (Rocky Linux, Alma Linux):

    # yum install kernel-devel-$(uname -r)
  • The package kernel-uek-devel on Oracle Linux:

    # yum install kernel-uek-devel-$(uname -r)
  • The package linux-headers on Ubuntu:

    # apt install linux-headers-$(uname -r)
  • The package linux-headers on Proxmox:

    # apt install pve-headers-$(uname -r)