raid import show

To show info about the RAIDs that can be imported (restored) from the drives, run

# xicli raid import show [optional_args]
Table 1. Arguments for the import show subcommand

Optional arguments



The list of block devices (/dev/sd*, /dev/mapper/mpath*, /dev/nvme*, /dev/dm-*) separated by a space to show the info.

Without the argument, shows the info from all drives.



Output format:

  • table;
  • json;
  • prettyjson – human-readable json.

The default: table.


Show non-recoverable RAIDs in the import list.

The argument takes no value.

Possible conflicts:

  • name: Conflict with in-system RAID(s);
  • drives: Conflict with in-system RAID(s);
  • name: Conflict with import RAID(s);
  • drives: Conflict with import RAID(s);
  • name: Conflict with in-system and import RAID(s);
  • drives: Conflict with in-system and import RAID(s).

Drives statuses (messages in the devices row):

  • no_metadata – drive has no xiRAID Classic RAID metadata. After drive import, run drive reconstruction.
  • in_use – drive is in in-system RAID. After import, the drive will go to the offline state.
  • normal – drive works properly (the state may be changed after import).


To show all RAIDs that are available for import, run:

# xicli raid import show

The command will find and display information about founded RAIDs on drives that can be imported. Three RAIDs available for import shown in the figure below:

xicli raid import show output example

Conflicts are highlighted in red color. The first RAID does not conflict with any RAIDs. The second RAID conflicts with in-system and import RAIDs by the name and disks. The third RAID has a conflict with in-system RAID by the name.