Examples of Restoring the Common Configuration File

Example: restore the common configuration file from disk metadata.

  1. Restore the most recent configuration amond all drives. At this stage, the /etc/xiraid/raids.drive/ folder appears, containing the configuration files for different RAIDs named <raidname>.conf. The RAID configuration file paths look like: /etc/xiraid/raids.drive/raidname.conf

    # xicli config restore -d
  2. Now, to restore the file for a specific RAID from /etc/xiraid/raid.drive/, you need to select it and use the command:
    # xicli config restore -r  /etc/xiraid/raids.drive/<raidname>.conf
  3. Apply the restored configuration:

    # xicli config apply

While applying the configuration files, all RAIDs on the system will be recreated (unloaded and restored). Be careful if you have mounted devices on the system. Before executing 'xicli config apply', unmount all xiRAID RAIDs.

Example: save a copy of the common configuration file to a flash drive.

  1. Change the current directory to flash drive:

    $ cd /mnt/<device>
  2. Create a copy of the common configuration file:

    # xicli config backup