This document uses CLI command examples to explain storage management operations, the overall approach, and common use cases. It does not provide detailed descriptions of each command and its options. For a comprehensive description of all commands and options, please refer to the Xinnor xiRAID Opus CLI specification. You can obtain a brief command description by using the self-documented CLI with the -h flag.

xnr_cli --help
xnr_cli <command> -h

The CLI implements shortcuts for commands and command options. For example, “-h” is a shortcut for “--help”.

Some commands and options are hide. The --honest (or -H) flag enables help for hidden commands and options. They are experimental and not designed for production usage. The hidden commands can be used for test or prototyping. The hidden commands syntax can be changed in future releases or the commands can be removed from the CLI.

xnr_cli --honest --help
xnr_cli -H <command> -h

If a CLI command option consumes a list of items the list can be input as comma separated values or as repeated options. For example, these two commands are identical:

xnr_cli bdev zero --bdevs 0000:06:0a.0n1,0000:06:0b.0n1,0000:06:0c.0n1
xnr_cli bdev zero --bdevs 0000:06:0a.0n1 --bdevs 0000:06:0b.0n1 --bdevs 0000:06:0c.0n1