After updating

This section outlines the necessary steps that need to be taken after updating xiRAID Classic 4.0.0, 4.0.1, 4.0.2, 4.0.3 and 4.0.4 to xiRAID Classic 4.1.0. These steps are applicable to all systems.

  1. Check the xiraid module:
    # lsmod | grep xiraid

    The command shows if the xiraid module is loaded. Empty output indicates that the update has not completed successfully.

  2. Check the xiRAID Classic version:
    # xicli -v

    The version number must be 4.1.0. Otherwise, the update has not completed successfully.

  3. Check the xiRAID Classic operability:
    # xicli raid show

    The command outputs a list of created RAIDs in the form of a table. All RAIDs must be in the state “online” (RAID 0) or “online, initialized” (other RAID configurations). Otherwise, the update has not completed successfully.

    Figure 1. Command output example
  4. Mount all file systems that use the xiRAID devices (using mount, systemd or other suitable tool) and enable automatic mounting of file systems at system startup if you had previously disabled it before the update.
    When updating to xiRAID Classic 4.1.0, you can remove dependencies on xiraid-restore.service. If you have configured the mountpoint using systemd.mount, you can remove the lines "Requires = xiraid-restore.service; After = xiraid-restore.service" from the mountpoint service description and then run:
    # systemctl daemon-reload
    If you have configured the mountpoint using fstab, you can replace the following options in the mountpoint string with your preferred or default options: "x-systemd.requires=xiraid-restore.service,x-systemd.device-timeout=5m,_netdev; x-systemd.requires=xiraid-restore.service,x-systemd.device-timeout=5m,nofail". After that, run:
    # systemctl daemon-reload

    See What's New in xiRAID Classic 4.1.0.

    • for systemd.mount, enable automatic mounting at system startup for all xiRAID devices:
      # systemctl enable mnt-raid.mount
      Start the service to mount the file systems for all xiRAID devices:
      # systemctl start mnt-raid.mount
    • for /etc/fstab, uncomment the lines in the /etc/fstab file that are responsible for automatic mounting of the xiRAID devices. To do this, delete a comment symbol (#) before those lines. For example,
      # /dev/xi_raidname    /mnt/raid/   xfs    defaults  0   0
    • run the command:
      # systemctl daemon-reload
    • mount all the file systems that use the xiRAID devices (using umount or other suitable tool):
      # mount /dev/xi_<device_name>
    • make sure all file systems that use the xiRAID devices are mounted:
      # df -h
  5. Enable all the applications that are using the xiRAID devices.
  6. If the update was not successful, please contact xiRAID Classic Support Team at with attached logs from /var/log/xraid/setup.log.