Using NVMe-oF devices to create a RAID.

  1. xiRAID Classic allows using NVMe-oF devices to create a RAID. Set the --ctrl-loss-tmo parameter to 0 to prevent command freezing because of connection loss when using these devices. It is relevant to nvme-cli version >= 1.4.

    # nvme connect -t rdma -n nqn.Xinnor12_1 -a -s 4420 --ctrl-loss-tmo=0
  2. At the creation of NVMe-oF target for xiRAID Classic RAID, you can enable Merge if the access pattern assumably will be sequential write.

    Depending on the version of Linux Kernel or Mellanox drivers, NVMe-oF targets may split big requests to 32 KiB + the rest. This kind of behavior leads to constant read-modify-writes. For an SPDK NVMe-oF target, set the InCapsuleDataSize parameter denoting at by what value requests should be split.