Command Line Interface (CLI) Description

Table 1. Conventions on CLI command syntax
Item format Description

A required item (command, subcommand, argument, option).


A placeholder variable.


An optional item.

In the CLI, enter commands in the following format:

# xicli <command> <subcommand> <required_args> [optional_args]

To show the full list of commands, run

# xicli -h

To show the xicli version, run

# xicli -v

CLI syntax specifics:

  1. Type the arguments of the subcommands in one line.
  2. Subcommand arguments are separated by spaces.
  3. Use short or long forms of subcommand argument options.
  4. To get the list of all subcommands and arguments, add the -h option:

    # xicli <command> <subcommand> -h

A detailed description of the commands and subcommands is presented in the corresponding sections of the document.