Using xicli

Manage your software Xinnor xiRAID in Linux by using the xicli program.

Most of the commands listed in this document require superuser privileges. Please log in as an administrator or root to run these. However, the following commands can be run without superuser privileges: all commands with the show subcommand (raid show, config show, drive faulty-count show, settings eula show, license show etc), setting eula modify, and any command with the --help parameter.

Command-Line Interface (CLI) Overview

Table 1. Conventions on CLI command syntax
Item format Description

A required item (command, subcommand, argument, option).


A placeholder variable.


An optional item.

In the CLI, enter commands in the following format:

# xicli <command> <subcommand> <required_args> [optional_args]

To show the full list of commands, run

# xicli -h

To show the xicli version, run

# xicli -v

CLI syntax specifics:

  1. Type the arguments of the subcommands in one line.
  2. Subcommand arguments are separated by spaces.
  3. Use short or long forms of subcommand argument options.
  4. To get the list of all subcommands and arguments, add the -h option::

    # xicli <command> <subcommand> -h

Table 2. The list of available commands <command>


Operations with the configuration file.


Operations with the drives.


Operations with the license.


Operations with the event log.


Operations with the mail notifications.


Operations with the spare pools.


Operations with the RAIDs.


Operations with the additional settings of the xicli program.

update Operations with the Update Check service.

A detailed description of the commands and subcommands is presented in the corresponding sections of the document.

Accepting EULA

The first time after the installation you run any xicli command (except settings eula modify, settings eula show), you will be prompted to accept the EULA.

After accepting the EULA, the ran command executes, and you can use Xinnor xiRAID 4.0.1.


Commands related to the EULA don’t require running service.

To change the acceptance status of the EULA, run

# xicli settings eula modify

Table 3. Argument for the eula modify subcommand

Required argument



The status of the EULA acceptance.

Possible values: accepted, not_accepted.

To view the acceptance status of the EULA, run

# xicli settings eula show

Table 4. Argument for the eula show subcommand

Optional argument



Output format:

  • table;
  • json;
  • prettyjson – human-readable json.

The default: table.


You can manage the license with the command

# xicli license <subcommand>

Subcommands for the license command:


Delete the current license.


Show info on the current license.


Update the current license.

To start working with the system, add the valid license file on each node. To do so, you need the hardware key (hwkey) which can be found by running the command:

# xicli license show

Command output example when no license was added:

Command output example when a license was added:

Table 5. Description of the license command output

Kernel version

Kernel version.


Hardware key.


License key.


Software version.


Version of crypto-API for the license generator.


The date when the license was created.


License expiration date.


Maximum number of drives.


Maximum RAID level.

RAID levels from minimal to maximal: 0, 1, 10, 5, 6, 7 (stands for 7.3), 50, 60, 70 (includes N+M).


Drive type.

disks in use

Number of used drives in the system.


License state.

You can save the command output as a text file by running the command:

# xicli license show > license_request.txt

To get your license key, send your hardware key to the Xinnor support team at

After you get your license file, copy it to the system, and apply the license key by running the command:

# xicli license update -p </path/to/>license.txt

To check the applied license, run:

# xicli license show