xiRAID Installation

  1. Follow the instructions in the xiRAID Classic Installation Guide to install xiRAID Classic 4.1.0 on both nodes in the cluster.
  2. Follow the instructions in the xiRAID Classic 4.1.0 Administrator's Guide to apply a xiRAID license to both nodes in the cluster.
    Each node in the cluster requires a separate license.
  3. On both nodes, install the xiRAID resource agent script for Pacemaker.
    During the xiRAID installation, this script was added to the /etc/xraid/agents directory. For this agent to work with Pacemaker, you need to create a symbolic from /etc/xraid/agents to the directory with Pacemaker resource agent scripts /usr/lib/ocf/resource.d:
    # mkdir -p /usr/lib/ocf/resource.d/xraid
    # ln -s /etc/xraid/agents/raid /usr/lib/ocf/resource.d/xraid/raid