
Operations with the mail notifications.

Except for the show subcommand, the commands listed in this chapter require superuser privileges.

# xicli mail <subcommand> <args> [optional_args]

Subcommands for the mail command:


Set the receiver’s email and the notification level.


Remove the email from the list of email notifications.


Show the list of the email notifications.



When you change any parameter of the xicli mail add command, the xiraid-mail.service restarts.

Set the receiver’s email and the notification level.

# xicli mail add <args>
Table 1. Arguments for the add subcommand

Required arguments



Receiver’s email.



The notification level.

Possible values:

  • info – Info notifications;
  • warning – Error and Warning notifications;
  • error – Error notifications.



When you change any parameter of the xicli mail remove command, the xiraid-mail.service restarts.

Remove the email from the list of email notifications.

# xicli mail remove <arg>
Table 2. Argument for the remove subcommand

Required argument



The email address to remove from the notifications.


Show the list of the email notifications.

# xicli mail show
Table 3. Argument for the show subcommand

Optional argument



Output format:

  • table;
  • json;
  • prettyjson – human-readable json.

The default: table.